Local Water

Pecos River
The Pecos River provides consistent dry fly and nymph fishing from the end of snowmelt until early November. It is the perfect place for families with busy vacation schedules; due to its proximity to Santa Fe, good fishing can be had with plenty of time to get back to town for evening activities. For the backpacking angler, the Pecos Wilderness offers endless opportunities to catch streamborn trout from alpine lakes and creeks. Some of these fish won't see five anglers in a year.
In the years ahead, the Pecos will be the focus of regional stream rehabilitation efforts. Translation: Great fishing is certain to get even better.

Jemez area streams
The Jemez area is where you'll hone your meadow creek stalking skills on creeks such as the San Antonio, Cebolla, de las Vacas and the forks of the Jemez. Farther south towards Albuquerque, you'll strike the Guadalupe and one of the heaviest giant stonefly hatches in the New Mexico.

Rio Chama
The Chama is possibly our prettiest stream, running from its source in the southern Colorado high country to its junction with the Rio Grande among the red and orange mesas made famous by Georgia O'Keefe. In spite of its relatively small size, there are big fish in the Chama, primarily browns and rainbows. These fish will fall for the well-fished dry fly or nymph, but they can be extremely predatory too, chasing down a streamer or blowing up a mouse pattern.

Rio Grande
The Rio Grande is one of the nation's best trout streams. Over approximately 70 miles of river, there is always a chance that the trout of a lifetime will tackle your fly, and that the pike of a lifetime will eat it. We've seen browns and cuttbows over ten pounds in the Rio and plenty of 40 inch northerns. The Red River, Rio Pueblo, and Rio Embudo are some of the Rio's most productive tribs, and anglers come from everywhere to fish its Mother's Day caddis hatch. It can be a tough river to fish; nevertheless, few anglers leave disappointed.